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5 Tips for Attracting a Guy You Like

How to get the guy you've had your eye on.
Mikkie Mills
You've got your eye on an appealing man. You've vetted him thoroughly, and he's single, respectable, gainfully employed, and has baggage you can handle. Modern life being what it is, it's a big challenge to stand out in the crowd. How to attract him without being too obvious? Here are a few tips.

Take Care of Yourself

Stay as healthy as you can by paying attention to the basics. Sunshine, a nourishing diet, regular exercise, and strong relational bonds all contribute to well-being and will help make you attractive from the inside out. Glowing, even-toned skin is a plus — formulations such as polyphenol skin cream may reduce dark spots and improve texture.
Well-conditioned, lustrous hair at any age is alluring. Consider consulting with your stylist or doing an online search to find easy ways to improve the health of your hair, no matter what the length. Mental and emotional health is key, too — do the best you can to address it before bringing in a potential romantic interest.

Get a Life

There's nothing quite like a woman who's bursting with passion for life. If your job's a passion, you're fortunate. Find ways to make it even more vital — by attending workshops, networking, and doing outside reading. That vitality will spill over into the way you come across to a potential mate.
Have a side hustle or a hobby? Pursue it wholeheartedly — you might even bring it along to the place where you intend to see that guy! It's intriguing to spot a woman engrossed in sketching or reading a book; much more so than watching her scrolling on her phone or taking selfies.
Having a firm foundation of self-care and a strong sense of your own values and preferences is good for you whether you're coupled or not — and protection against feeling dejected if it turns out the guy's not your type.

Get Out of the House

It almost goes without saying, but to attract a guy in real life, it's important to be out and about. Dating apps abound, but good old-fashioned chemistry never goes out of style. Get familiar with safe, fun gathering places where you'll be comfortable attending alone, or with a friend or two.
These places will vary according to your location, age, and environment. For safety's sake, it's a good idea to let a friend or loved one know where you are and when you expect to be home. Take a chance and get out of the house! In our socially-isolated culture, it's a wonderful thing to connect with others in real life.

Make Eye Contact

In most public spaces, looking at phone screens and wearing earbuds is the norm. Dare to be different! You can stand out by making appropriate eye contact. It doesn't have to be too lengthy or intense — in fact, recent studies seem to indicate that the ideal amount of eye contact varies according to context and relationship.
When it comes to flirtation, eye contact is one of the most powerful yet subtle ways to show your interest and captivating personality. Have fun and use it to your advantage!


Combined with eye contact, a smile shows a guy that you're interested — not indifferent. In the 21st century, many men are reluctant to approach a woman or strike up a conversation in person. The one-two punch of a smile with flirtatious eye contact indicates your approval on a primal level.
There are so many ways to smile; one that communicates your true self (rather than plastered-on) is more likely to be well received. Think about your most joyful memory, activity, or how you feel about your most treasured loved ones.
That'll likely be your most sincere smile. Also, the more you go out in public, the more opportunities you'll find to create experiences worth smiling about.
Improving your attractiveness to a special guy is a great way to discover more about yourself. Enjoy the process!