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Tips for Blind Dating

Mukta Gaikwad
Blind dates can be very exciting and at the same time scary. There are a few basic rules that must be followed while on such a date. These rules ensure safety and precaution. Let's take a look at what they are.
Blind dates are spine-chilling and the mere thought of it can send jitters down your spine. At the same time, it can be very exciting and an excellent opportunity to find your romantic interest.
Nonetheless, such dates are very similar to 'the first meeting'. The biggest glitch lies in the fact, it's an actual date as compared to a casual meeting with friends. Thus, you need to take a few precautions, if you are going on such a date.

Choosing a Location

Since you don't know much or anything about the person, the first advice is choose a public place. A coffee shop you regularly hang out at, a restaurant you frequent, or a mall you usually shop are at perfect places for such a date.
Remember, it's not your first date, so the set doesn't have to be romantic. Choosing a fairly crowded place, will be a good escape from awkward moments, if any. Moreover, being in familiar surroundings will make you feel more comfortable.

Getting There

Now that you have finalized the location, the next question is how do you get there? Preferably, have your own mode of transport. Your own vehicle will give you mobility and independence.
Asking him to pick you up from a certain place, will make you dependent on him. In case, the date takes a nasty turn, your own mode of transport can help you get out of the situation as quickly as possible.

Dressing Up

Your clothing plays an important part in making the 'first impression'. Provocative dressing or gaudy dressing can cast negative impressions about you. 
A blind date, is when you are meeting the person for the first time, which is why you need to put your best foot forward, with sober, simplistic and sophisticated clothing.

What To Do

Since you don't know your date, it would be wise to find out more about one another. Ask each other questions about likes and dislikes. Be a good listener, to what the other person has to tell you, be friendly and don't get on the offensive or defensive side.

Who Pays

Here comes the tricky one. If he is paying then it's your choice. You too can pool in your share or pay for him. This one is completely your call. 
However, since it is a blind date, or the first meeting ever, share the expense. Why should only one person bear the brunt of it, if at the end you are still looking out for options to date?

The End

The ending can get a bit awkward. However, make sure that you've thanked the person at the end of the date. You don't really have to be open about what you felt about the person, but you surely can make it clear whether you would want to meet again or no.
Agree to another meeting if only you are willing to keep the promise. If you agree to meet again, then you can safely exchange phone numbers.

Dating can be fun if you adhere to these tips for blind dating. Have fun!