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Dating & Relationships

Mukta Gaikwad
Dating and relationships are often misunderstood as synonyms. Here's what the difference is and the stages of dating, which can lead to a relationship.
Though dating is a doorway to a relationship, the two life scenarios differ. Dating comes in various forms, such as a one night stand (also counts as a date), a fling as per convenience from both the sides, and real-time dating, which takes a serious turn for a substantial outcome.
Going out with the person you like, spending time with him and doing things for him, is incredible fun. But what happens when the person starts expecting a little more? A thin line of distinction runs along dating and relationships. Here's taking a look at the new age dating, its glitches, games, and gains.

The Beginning

Congratulations for making the beginning! Nothing is more entertaining than entering the world of dating. It's a brilliant way of meeting new people, knowing a multitude on perspectives on a myriad subjects, socializing, and most importantly having something to look forward to.
The distinction between dating and relationships, is that, dating is the probation period of a relationships. It's the preparatory time frame, wherein you can make a few decisions, know the person better, and then take the plunge.
The first rule of dating is to know why you got into in the first place. A few get into it for an ego boost, a huge number of people as a remedy for loneliness, and for some, it's a way of life. So since you are just at the start of it, know what your reason is, to prevent languor and painstaking heartaches.

Good Time

In the initial stages of romantic inclinations, the emotions of love, affinity, intimacy, compassion, and appreciation are overwhelming. Looking beyond sleepless nights, endless conversations on the phone, being together, becomes impossible.
There is just so much to explore, so much to know, and so much to experience. The first date, just seem like an Utopian splendor. And why won't it when your partner is only putting the best foot forward!

Subtle Signs

No matter what argument you put up, it's true that, you'd only know the person better as time passes by. It's only a couple of months down the line that you will witness the undercurrents of upcoming reality.
Your partner may not be bad, but he or she may just not be your type. Thus, dating becomes your trial period to know your partner's basic attitude. To all those love seekers, ready to jump into a relationship, dating tips suggest you to play along for a while.

Informed Decision

You may seek relationship help from a professional or research a little online find some clarity in the situation. Your decision, must be based on the equation you share with your dating partner.
Think of how he or she has been in times of happiness, in times of sadness, in a challenging situation, and in moments of grievances. The ability of your partner to be there for you, no matter what, must be basis of your decision. What is the point of a relationship, if your partner fails to be your support system?
Relationships are like intricate patterns of fine tapestry. You begin with a picture in mind and starting weaving. The weave leads you to complex, enigmatic, profound, esoteric, recondite, and finally to a euphoric picture. Even if the picture is not what you expected, it always enlightens you about your dormant potentials! So have fun, while it lasts!