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How to Deal with a Broken Heart

Deepa Kartha
Heartbreak is not an easy thing to get over, especially when the bond that is now broken, meant the world to the sufferer. Let's take a look at some helpful advice on how to deal with a broken heart.
A broken heart brings with it a lot of grief and sadness, where it is perfectly natural for a person to feel devastated. But what one has to remember here is that it is not the end of the world. You need to come to terms with it and bounce back to a normal, with of course adequate time taken to get over the heartache.
Unfortunately, while many books tout their claims on being able to offer breakup advice that works, they fail to be of any help to many of us. The key to getting over someone is to remain positive, avoid cynicism in any form, and focus on the things that you can do with your life that will give it new meaning and purpose.

How to Heal a Broken Heart

Put a Stop to Communication

You're probably used to talking on the phone with your ex, but it is imperative that you sever the ties of communication. Many couples end their relationship by saying, 'let's be friends'. But, this does not always work, as old feelings and memories will inevitably crop up. So, stop calling or taking calls from this person, if you want to get over the pain.

Don't Dwell on the Past

During this period, you may be filled with conflicting emotions like anger, frustration, sadness, and other upsetting emotions. You'll also feel the need to analyze every situation to gain a perspective of how things fell apart, dissecting every piece in your head until it drives you insane.
Try to learn from your mistakes (if you are unfortunately at fault), but by no means blame yourself for the breakup. Cry if you have to, punch something until you can't recognize it any longer―but don't take it out on yourself, whether physically, emotionally, or mentally.
Take up a new hobby, make time for the things you never got around to doing, or immerse yourself in a fun activity with family or friends.
Though it is necessary to have some 'me' time, this doesn't mean that you have to remain a recluse for the rest of your life. The best people to help you deal with a broken heart are your friends and family. Talk to them and share your woes; they will surely understand and want to help.

Seek Therapeutic Options

If you lock yourself up at home and brood over what happened, you will never be able to snap out of it. Men and women should indulge in a little shopping to get their minds off their ex-loves.
This doesn't translate into abusing your power of owning a credit card; the bills that follow will just stress you out even more. Book an appointment at a spa and treat yourself to a luxurious full-body massage; Try other beauty treatments. Give yourself time to get over your past―don't jump into a relationship just yet; a rebound never did anyone much good.
Experiencing a failed relationship does not mean that life has met its end. Be open to meeting new people and live your life like it should be―with no regrets and hope for a better tomorrow. Every relationship has an important lesson to teach; learn what it teaches you with your head held high.