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Does My Ex Still Love Me?

Uttara Manohar
We all find ourselves caught in a web of confusion when it come to our ex loves. If he's still sending you signals post a breakup, there's a chance that he may be still in love with you. Let's discover the truth behind his behavior.
Take a look at me now, cause there's just an empty space
And there's nothing left here to remind me, just the memory of your face
Take a look at me now, cause there's just an empty space
And you coming back to me is against all odds and that's what I've got to face
Everyone who has been through a breakup, will identify with the sentiments in this Phil Collins' song. Relationships enrich our lives, and make it worth living. However, a relationship gone bad, can affect you for a long time after it is all over.
Parting ways with someone whom you love the most, is one of the most painful situations in life. We've all been there, through lonely nights that don't seem to end, and days that are haunted by the thoughts of your ex. The first few days just seem like torture when you can't seem to move on.
If you are recovering from a breakup, and if you are simply hoping that your ex gets back with you, it is always better to give yourself, as well as your ex, the time to think about it.
If there has been no communication from his/her side, and he/she seems to be doing just fine post the breakup, it means that you need to move on. However, don't be too hard on yourself; take your time to get rid of the ghosts of your past. Time heals everything.

How to Gauge Whether He Still Loves You

If your ex seems to have a difficult time getting over you, and still seems keen to get back together, you need to think about the situation. Sometimes, your ex might just be trying to be nice to help you cope with the breakup, by being friends.
Hence, do not read too much into the initial calls and other nice gestures. However, if the behavior continues after a certain period of time, it is time to discuss the issue. In case you are not sure whether your ex wants to get back together, or is simply being sympathetic, there are ways to find out.


This is an effective method to find out for yourself, instead of trying to interpret signs. It is much safer, as it leaves no chance for misunderstandings.
Obviously, you would find it a bit awkward, but do it subtly. Try and ask why he/she still keeps calling you everyday, or still wants to meet over the weekend.

Signs of Regret

There are some signs which are clear indications that your ex is still in love with you. If your ex seems to be apologetic and keeps on telling how he/she has committed a huge mistake by breaking up, there is a stark possibility that he/she is hung up on you.

Attempts To Meet

If you find that your ex keeps on making plans to meet you, and keeps on calling you like old times, he/she might be contemplating the thought of getting back together.

How To Handle Yourself in Such Situations

If you have ended the relationship and don't want to be with your ex, you should always try to make things easier for him/her.
Constant calling and meeting up, or even talking about the other people you've already started seeing, is plain rude. Always treat a person in a way that you would want yourself to be treated.
After a breakup, very often people feel insecure, and obviously want to enter that secure blanket that relationships provide. At times, these people tend to ignore the reasons which once seemed big enough to call it off. Think of these reasons before considering the idea of getting back with your ex.
If your ex seems to be in love with you, and wants to get back together, it is always better to give each other some space for a while, until you get over the initial days of solitude. Once you are emotionally stable, you can think rationally about the whole thing, and decide whether you really wish to get back together.
In the end, remember that every relationship is based on mutual trust and respect between two people. It means starting right from the beginning, back to square one. It is not impossible, but it's not exactly a cakewalk as well. A relationship, once broken, can obviously be mended, but it calls for tremendous efforts to make it work again.