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Effective and Easy-to-implement Communication Exercises

Puja Lalwani
Engaging in communication exercises is beneficial for everyone, in every realm of life. Here are some effective exercises that are bound to help you. Take a look.
Not enough can be said about the importance of communication in any relationship, be it personal or professional. It is the foundation upon which relationships are built, strengthened and solidified.
Now, communication is not only about talking; it also encompasses non-verbal communication that includes body language, and the ability to listen, understand, and relate information to others.
It is often the lack of these aspects that results in miscommunication, and therefore, misunderstandings. So here are some effective communication exercises for people trying to improve their relationships to make them harmonious and beneficial.

Communication Exercises that Work

All the activities provided here can be utilized by professionals who wish to improve their communication skills and develop profitable relationships, and for kids, teenagers, and adults to learn how to improve their relationships with others, be it friends, family, or within a general social circle.
We have only provided ideas here, from which inspiration may be drawn to improve the exercise or add to its details to make it as effective as possible. While these exercises are better performed on a one-to-one basis, it is also acceptable that they be performed in larger groups.
The only reason for the former choice is that on a one-to-one level, comprehension of the concept is much simpler. It also helps the administrator of the exercise to understand whether or not both the individuals have grasped the concept by observing noticeable changes in performance.
With the basics explained, let's move on to getting a better idea of the activities and exercises provided here.

Put Yourself in My Shoes

This is an exercise that allows individuals to understand opposing points of view and then learn to respect them.
By switching stances, they understand the opposite person's thought process and opinion, and this provides them an open perspective regarding any situation. For this exercise, pair two individuals and allow them to choose a subject on which one person can speak for and the other can speak against.
Let each present her/his case, after which they will change sides and speak on the same subject. This not only helps understand the subject, but makes them open to a point of view other than their own. By putting themselves in another's shoes, they learn to view certain cases objectively.

You Have got to Listen

As mentioned earlier, communication also encompasses the art of listening and then reiterating that information in a precise manner so as to avoid misunderstandings.
With this exercise, not only is this aspect dealt with, people also learn how to give clear instruction without any cues so that others can implement these instructions as aptly as possible.
The task is to have one individual stand up and describe an activity or picture, and ask the remaining in the group to recreate the description or perform the activity as per the instruction given by that individual. Only the individual who is instructing is allowed to view the picture or see how the activity is performed.
This is a great task that shows how well people comprehend verbal instruction over written instruction, and teaches them how to perform in situations where only verbal instruction is available.

Convince Me

This task involves teaching the art of convincing the opposite person regarding an idea, concept, or product.
Not only does it help in professional relationships (as eventually we are all selling something), it also helps in personal relationships, where sometimes convincing someone against or for something is essential to that person's well-being.
As such, this is a task where again, two individuals will be paired, and it will be the job of one to sell an idea to the opposite person. This person will use voice tone, emphasis, and body language to convince to the opposite person.
This person will use voice tone, emphasis, and body language to convince to the opposite person. It should be remembered that the opposite person should not be obliged to agree to the idea, and should in fact pose questions that the individual who is selling can respond to as convincingly as possible.
Highlighting the good, downplaying the bad, and telling the buyer how she/he will benefit from this idea or product is the aim of this task. This activity could be first performed in pairs and then in larger groups to explain the art of convincing more people at a time with a greater number of opposing questions and points of view.

Assertiveness Personified

This activity teaches individuals the power of assertiveness and how they can avoid being pushed over by others, both in the personal and professional realm.
Before this task begins, it is imperative to teach everyone the concept of assertiveness. A lot of people liken assertiveness to rudeness, and that is where they go wrong in communication. Assertiveness is the art of being able to say no in a polite, diplomatic manner.
By means of role-playing, individuals will be given tricky situations in which they are to say no to the opposite person as firmly as possible. This activity can be paired with the aforementioned activity where the purpose is to convince the opposite person. Combining the two can give both individuals a strong lesson in communication.
These are just certain situations that may arise in the process of communication and enable individuals to deal with them as effectively as possible. However, there may be a lot of other situations that individuals may have to face.
These communication exercises will have laid the foundation of basic communication skills and will help individuals deal with these situations better. Use these exercises on a regular basis and watch communication skills and techniques improve remarkably.