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The Happy Marriage Recipe

Debopriya Bose
Want to know what goes in to make a happy marriage recipe? Read on to know about the ingredients and when to add them in your relationship, to have a delicious married life.


  • 4 cups of love
  • 2 cups of patience
  • 1 gallon of trust
  • 2 cups of flattery (carefully concealed with intelligent choice of words)
  • 1 cup of respect (undiluted)
  • 2 cups of encouragement
  • 1 pinch of respect for in-laws
That's all that makes for the ingredients of a happy marriage recipe.
Note: Make sure that the ingredients are well sifted for jealousy, suspicion and mean words!


Now that you have the ingredients for the recipe for a happy marriage, you must be wondering when does each ingredient go in while cooking it! Well, to tell you the truth this is one recipe which doesn't have any set instructions about how to cook the dish!
It all depends upon how sensitive the cook is to his/her partner's needs, how well can he/she gauge the situation and make the right choice of ingredients to put in. And yes, like all other culinary expertise, mastery in cooking this dish does come with some practice, but you can't fall back upon past experiences all the time, can you?
If only you knew your partner well, you would never make any mistake in deciding upon when and how much of an ingredient to add while cooking 'Happy Marriage'. Just a little bit of reflection on each ingredient is all that is required of a cook, to be able to follow the recipe perfectly. So let's have a look at each ingredient.


Love is the most basic need for any relationship. It's not that marriage is a bed of roses. Finances, in-laws, responsibilities can all contribute to triggering off marital problems. But if you have love in the relationship, it becomes easier to work it out.


The things will not work out, the way you want them to, every time. There will be time when your partner might seem unreasonable. You might not be able to find the reason why he is upset or why he is behaving like this! This is the time you need to have patience.
Believe that there is a reason behind your partner's behavior. If you yourself are not in a good mood, let the topic rest. Talk about it when you both have calmed down and you know that both of you will be able to handle it objectively.


Loss of trust is the death knell for marriage. Suspicions, like whether the partner is telling the truth, if he or she is hiding something that you ought to know or extramarital affairs, can also cause complications in one's married life.
There will be so many occasions when you would be tempted to come to an unjustified conclusion. However, it's very important to have trust, as most of the time our fears are unfounded. Still, if there is the question lurking somewhere in your mind, then talk it out with your partner.
One key to have a fruitful conversation over the topic is to go with a belief that your partner is clean. This will prevent you from sounding unreasonable and accusatory and your partner will be more comfortable talking on the subject.


Everyone loves to be admired and when the praise comes from one's partner it tastes even better! Be alert and complement him on every achievement, however small that might be. Even if it is no great feat, occasional flattery wouldn't hurt, would it? 
However, you need an intelligent selection of words so that he is convinced that your awe in his abilities is absolutely unadulterated! Even if the effort does not bring success. However, never miss the chance to appreciate the effort your partner made. This is one of the most important tips for a successful marriage.


Your partner may not even remotely resemble that one you dreamed of but it is a fact that every one has some talent. Each individual has drawbacks as well. Try to look at all good qualities in him.
This will help you to have respect for him which is so important for a healthy marriage. Accept him with his flaws. No one is perfect, including you!


Since you are the one closest to your partner you will be the best person to stand by his side, during times when he suffers from rejection or failure.
Give him the encouragement that he needs, even if the chances for success are slim. A few words of encouragement and genuine appreciation can do wonders!
So, now you know about the ingredients of a happy marriage recipe and how to cook it. Put it on a platter of faith and admiration for your partner. Serve with a smile on your face and marvel at how sumptuous each bite tastes!