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How is Dating at 20 Different from Dating at 30

Sai Kardile
The world of dating is exciting and full of hope, but as time elapses, the dating-scape, however, changes. Each decade bears its unique advantages and disadvantages that makes it enjoyable in its own right.
"Love was not in it for me at first. I dated guys because of the way they looked. And then I began to learn that it's what's inside that counts. Love to me now is understanding. It's giving."
― Crystal Waters
Dating in your 20s can be likened to an impulsive artist, while that in your 30s can be compared to a dedicated scientist. While both are wholly committed to their work, an artist, however, is more self-involved and is most likely to pivot his decisions on caprice, which are not studied but spontaneous.
Whereas a scientist, having failed many times, is able to make better assessment of people and by dint of experience has a good understanding of people and life, in general. Your 20s is the time when you have fairytale ideas about love; wait is that even love you are thinking about? Can't tell.
You are very much like that ravenous kid who finds himself unexpectedly at Charlie's Chocolate Factory and wants to hog out on every candy available. You are, in a way, developing your taste buds for different candies, but 30s is a different ball of wax.
While you are still a kiddo at heart, by now you know what type of candy you actually like, because you have already overwhelmed your taste buds with enough flavors than it could really take (some of them even left you with a pretty bad after taste too). So here is more formal comparison between the two.

Dating in Your 20s

View on Life

When you are in your 20s, all you care about in life is yourself―we don't blame you as this whole decade is dedicated to the self. This is the time when you are trying to find your place in the world, find friends, find your true calling, find love, etc.


All you want in your 20s is unrestrained fun, thrill, and excitement. You don't have any prerequisites or 'must-have' qualities, or any specific idea of a perfect date, except that he/she must be fetching. If things don't turn out well, you know there is always a next.


Looks are a primary determinant for you, you are swayed by good looks, good physique, great legs; in short every aspect of a person's physique is important to you. It's only when you give a relationship a serious thought that you realize how inconsequential the looks factor can be, as good looks don't warrant good character, and you learn it the hard way.


You will never hear a 20-something utter this word, not even indistinctly in their own gob, not even when they are talking to themselves. You don't want to settle as you have not figured many things of your life as yet, and committing yourself to someone is clearly not on your agenda.

More than Love...

More than love, it's the company that you hanker after. You probably aren't looking for someone who will help you find your true self, but someone with whom you can have interesting and funny conversations.

Dating in Your 30s

View on Life

Things in your third decade become a little unsnarled, less confusing, this is probably because you have had many pratfalls and survived them! You may not have been able to make any breakthrough decisions in your life as such, but by now, you are alive to your real needs and wants and can ascertain what's important for you and what's not.


This is not to say that people in their 30s don't want any fun, oh come on! You don't turn into an ascetic, but yes, you may have a clarity of an ascetic in terms of what you want. For you, it's not about having a perfect date but a healthy relationship.


You know what it is to have someone who shares the same goals as yours in life. Character, compassion, and maturity are highly valued in your 30s. The 30s is also the time when a person will really love you and accept you for the way you are.


You are ready for this, in fact, commitment is an operative word in your 30s. You know in your heart that you are ready to settle down with someone, you can tell it the way the person treats you. You want to be loved and respected, and you have the gravitas and maturity to take things on another level.

More than Love...

Having been through all kinds of experiences, you are now certain about the kind of people you want to have in your life. You want someone who is not just a good human being himself/herself but also someone who helps you to bring out the best in you.