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How to Ask a Girl or Guy Out on a Date

Prerna Salla
Dating tips and advice on how to ask someone out on a date, ways to ask a girl out or how to get a guy to ask you out.

How to Ask Him/Her Out

Though this might not be a problem for some people but it might pose to be a big problem for many. There is an easy way to do this without it being tough on you or the other person. Follow the following tips:

Don't Just Offer a Generic Invitation

"Want to go out with me sometime?", Of course the both of you wanna go out! After all who doesn't get fed up of monotony! Try avoiding such rhetorical questions. It makes it really hard for someone to say no, which you might think is a good thing, but it's not. It sets you up for an evening with someone who doesn't want to be there.
The person might just be kicking herself for not having figured out a way to say no nicely and who might have actually been excited to date you if only you'd gotten to know them a little first. Thus do not presume that the other person wants to go out with you. There might just be the other way round. So don't create an awkward situation for the both of you.

Always Ask Someone Out for a Specific Thing

Make the rendezvous in such a way that you were going to do it anyway. After all, natural mannerisms always work. Maybe because we have seen so many clichés in the world, it's only normal for us to feel a lot more comfortable to behave naturally.
Invite him/her to your housewarming party or birthday party, or any other party. It's best if you clear things up before you draw unduly assumptions. It's better to make the most of the situation, or else you might land up making up one.
Another good method of invitation would be to invite him/her to a get-together or picnic. This has two benefits; first, you won't be a nervous wreck asking someone out this way. After all, you could be asking them to come along out of friendship.
Second, they can say yes, or they can say, 'Sorry, I already have plans.", without it being a whole issue. This way you will ensure that you are not embarrassed. Although it might feel awkward at first to speak to him/her in a crowded place try to get used to the noise outside and make conversation.
Go to a quieter place after you are comfortable with him/her. Most of the time these zones are wee bit far away from where you exactly are. So while moving to another seat, that time could be utilized to gauge the other's personality, make yourself a lot more comfortable and also reduce the overall anxiety.
Remember to never ask more than once. If the person says no, they mean a 'no'! (Unless they made it clear that they genuinely had a previous commitment and would have been otherwise interested like for example, 'Wow, I love watching Brad Pitt movie and want to be first on your list the next time you get tickets.')
All in all remember that given any situation and given any amount of enthusiasm, just go ahead with it, with a firm head. Although this may sound like rocket science at the time of asking, with butterflies in your stomach; go ahead and do it.