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How to Improve Communication in a Relationship?

Titli Farooqi
Relationships don't survive in a vacuum. They exist when two human beings share their emotions regarding their past experiences, history, and future expectations. And communication is extremely important to keep your relationship healthy.
When it comes to communication, two persons definitely have different levels of skills. As better communication is a skill, so it can be learned. Here are some tips for improving the communication in your relationship.


We are so busy that most of the time, we don’t have time to share what’s on our minds. But other times, we want our partner to know what we are doing, imagining, or what we crave.
If this situation lasts, ultimately, either of the two could snap. So it is much better to share things regularly even when it seems tough, not the right time or not important.

Active Listening

Effective communication necessitates that you become a good listener. Pay attention to your partner and, tolerate your silence. Pay attention to his non-verbal gestures. Reflect and paraphrase, showing that you understand what your spouse is saying.

Focus on Your Non-Verbal Behavior

Pay attention to your own non-verbal behavior like your tone of voice, eye contact, posture, and gestures. Effective communication is much more than what you say. Your facial expressions, rolling eyes, and even nodding play an important role.
If you ignore your non-verbal communication, you can never understand what you are conveying, and your partner will react to them subsequently.

Show Respect

Be careful about what you say and how you say it. Express and maintain respect for your partner, even when you are upset. You can’t take the words back that you have already said.

Spend Quality Time

Connectedness and communication go together. Spend quality time together. Pick a common hobby, have fun nights, spend weekends cuddling under a blanket. The closer you are, the more you are inclined to share your emotions with your partner.

Be Open and Honest

With plenty apps in the market allowing you to keep a secret watch on your spouse like Xnspy, being honest with your partner is the key to improve your relationship. Tell him if you are hurt or you disagree with his opinion. You can always share your insecurities and concerns, and you don’t have to pretend if you are not fine.

Wait for the Right Time

Find the correct time to share your feelings with him. Hold onto your emotions until you find a time and place that is most suitable.

When You Are Wrong, Own It

Show maturity by taking responsibility for your actions. Being defensive will make it difficult for your partner to discuss something in the future. You made a mistake, then be brave and accept it. Your egoistic stance will only hold you back.

One Issue at a Time

Bringing up past behaviors to defend the present day will increase the intensity of your argument. It is history. Once you deal with an issue, leave it behind.

Emotional Intimacy

Intimacy plays a significant role in effective communication. If you can talk about your physical intimacy with your partner, you can discuss anything. The more you are attached to your spouse, the better you can communicate with him.

Voice Your Love

When you look in the eyes of your partner and say, “I love you,” the brain releases oxytocin which is extremely good for health. You can create a conducive environment for a healthy conversation.

Avoid Harsh Words

How you say something is important as what you say. Try to avoid harsh words. Avoid accusations like "You never," "You always." If your partner feels that you do not acknowledge his feelings, you both cannot move forward with your communication.

Stay Positive

Your positive attitude can make communication between you and your partner more successful. Try to avoid judgement words and loaded terms. Never compare your partner negatively to someone.
Like singing and dancing, communication in a relationship is a skill that requires practice. Communication is all about sharing the little things. Having a strong foundation will help you discuss the tricky matters