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How to Save Your Relationship After Cheating

Aastha Dogra
It takes a whole lot of guts, effort and genuine love to save a relationship, after one of the partners has cheated. Read on for some useful tips on fixing a relationship after cheating...
So, your partner has cheated on you? It's but obvious that you are feeling hurt and sad right now. Maybe you are really angry with your partner and are thinking of ways to get back at him! Or, you are so depressed right now that nothing seems right in your life.
Going through such a gamut of emotions is pretty normal, considering the unexpected situation you find yourself in. However, if you are still in love with your partner and a life without him seems unthinkable to you, the first thing that you should do, to save your relationship, is to forgive your partner.
I know, this can be very difficult at the moment, still, if you are serious about making a life with him and you see a future with him by your side, forgive and forget whatever has happened.

Tips on Saving a Relationship


Forgiving your partner after he has had an affair behind your back is not easy. A good idea here would be to evaluate what you share with your partner. In a dairy, write all the things that are unique, special, lovable and likable about him. These are the things that you would lose out on if you let him go.
On another page, write about things that have hurt you in the past. Weigh both of these, analyze, take your time and then finally arrive at the things that you want in life. Is he the one for you, in spite of whatever has happened?
Do you really love him so much? If your heart and mind, both say yes, immediately start taking steps for saving your relationship.


It is said that communication is the key to all relationships. So, sit with your partner and talk to him. Ask him what went wrong in your relationship that he started looking for love elsewhere. Be very objective when you talk to him so that your thought process is not clouded with emotions.
Did he feel that you were not giving him time? Was he sexually dissatisfied? Or was it the boredom of a mundane life that propelled him to have an affair just for kicks? At the same time, ask him what does he plan to do?
Does he want to save the relationship as much as you do or does he want to opt out. After all, it takes two to clap. So, if your partner is not really keen on being with you, there is nothing much you can do about the whole situation.

Spend Time Together...

If your partner too is willing to make things work, one very important tip is to spend some quality time together. Go on a holiday. Rediscover each other. Think about things that made you come closer in the first place. Join a dance class or any other hobby class together. An even better idea is to exercise together. Stay fit and it will help in spicing up your sex life too!

Make Changes...

Depending upon whatever reasons your partner gave for cheating on you, try to mold yourself. If he feels that you do not pay attention to him, start listening to whatever little or big things he has to say. If it is lack of romance that drove him to another woman, bring it back into your life.
Does he want to save the relationship as much as you do or does he want to opt out. After all, it takes two to clap. So, if your partner is not really keen on being with you, there is nothing much you can do about the whole situation.

Take Help...

Lastly, take help from a counselor. A professional will be able to guide you on fixing your relationship. He will suggest ways and things to do, to bring your relationship back on track. So, go for relationship counseling, follow the counselor's suggestions and save your relationship.
These tips can only work if your partner cuts all ties and communication with the other woman in his life. As it takes two to make or break a relationship, do not at any point bend backwards just to keep your partner, nor consider it entirely your fault that he cheated on you.
In short, make efforts, love your partner, care for him, but do not overdo it! Wait for him to respond the same way too! And if things still don't go the way you thought they would, here's something that you should always keep in mind - "God has a plan for everyone!"