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How to Win an Argument

Sujata Iyer
Want to know how to win an argument? The secrets are revealed here. Read on, and get enlightened.
Knowing how to win an argument every time is an acquired art. Not everyone can face being in an argument, and winning it too. It is human nature to try to avoid confrontation and conflict as much as we can. However, there are those select few, who have the knack of getting into arguments about any topic and coming out victorious.
Because it does indeed seem like a huge war won when you have a healthy argument with someone, and you realize that your opponent (for lack of a better word) cannot come up with anything worthwhile to say or simply gives up out of frustration. If you want to come out on the winning side of most arguments, then find some interesting tips, here.

Tips to Win an Argument

There are some very simple and basic ways to ensure that you win an argument once you get into it. Mind you, arguing just for the sake of arguing does not make you look very smart. Quite the contrary actually. So, you need to know the tactics of having a valid argument with a person on a valid subject that you know about and have a passion for.
For instance, a person who does not read books simply cannot argue with a person who does about a particular author's writing style. Where's the sense in that? The key to a successful argument is effective communication. How else will you get your point across to the person?
*The methods mentioned are assuming that the stand you're taking in an argument is the only one that can be considered right, not a clash of opinions that can be different.
Play of Words: The first tip that you can use is to pay rapt attention to what your opponent is saying. Don't for an instant think that what the other person is saying is useless.
When you listen carefully, you can pick up on some things that he or she has said and use those words to show him that what he says is actually contradicting what the norm is. This way, when it comes from himself he might be open to understanding that it is actually incorrect.
Misconstrue: Listen to what the other person has to say, catch one particular thing in his or her words, and misconstrue it in such a way that it changes into something it is absolutely not.
For instance, if your partner tells you that they'd rather watch TV than help you in the kitchen, you can change it into something on the lines of how he or she wants everything on a silver platter, that you have feelings too, and you get tired too. Guilt or frustration will make them come and help you.
Antagonize: Antagonize your opponent. Find ways to make him or her angry, to an almost unbearable extent.
Angry people do not give much thought to thought. This will reduce their logic capability and they will definitely stumble somewhere in the course of the argument. Use this opening and win the argument.
Confuse: Here's another cheeky way to win an argument. In the middle of the argument, come up with confusing questions and when these questions are answered, find the answers too vague and ask more questions to thoroughly confuse the person.
Apart from questions, you can also use your own information to confuse the person. And we all know how well a confused person can win an argument because we've all been confused at one point of time or the other, haven't we?
Keep your Eyes Open: One of the most important tips. Keep your eyes and ears open. Be alert and vigilant. If you've pinpointed a mistake that your opponent has made in the course of his argument, make sure that you yourself steer clear of making the same mistake.
Because just like you, he could be waiting for an opportunity to get back at you for the same mistake. Revenge is undoubtedly and unashamedly sweet. If he gets back at you, it won't be pretty. So, focus!
Avoid being Subjective: When arguing with someone, there are some things that you just MUST NOT do. And the most important of these is being subjective. Don't base your argument on your personal opinions. Be objective as far as you can and use solid and well-accepted facts to support your arguments.
Thrusting your opinion on others does not make for a healthy argument. It just exhibits controlling behavior on your part and that's not what an argument is about.
Lastly, though these tips may work for you, you must remember that the examples and instances mentioned are given solely for the purpose. They do not wish to hurt the sentiments of anyone. The same should be with your argument. Be smart and vocal, but don't do it at the expense of someone's sentiments.