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Importance of Communication Skills

Aparna Iyer
Good communication skills are an indispensable asset without which the goals -- be it in any field -- may not be realized. For communication to be effective, keep your message simple, short, and succinct.
Communication refers to the exchange of thoughts and ideas with the intention of conveying information. Communication is a two-way street that includes vocalization as well as gesticulation. The purpose of communication is to convey one's beliefs, ideas, thoughts, or needs with clarity so as to reach a consensus or a mutually acceptable solution.

Modes of Communication

Communication, simply suggests the command to express the self with complete justification to thought. The mode of communication may be written or verbal. However, what overrides the mode is the manner in which a message is communicated.
Written Mode
What matters in the written mode of communication is the manner in which you frame your sentences.
The reader ought to understand your piece of writing verbatim. Unless you plan to pen a piece, where you would be glad to entertain multiple perspectives, let your write-up stay pat without the diktat of distich words or sentences.
Constructing the text in a way that it is lucid and sticky is a virtuous art few master with consistency. Writing for an audience means catering to every strata and serving different degrees of understanding.
Using technical jargon and dual-drumming words only contribute to confusing the reader. Short sentences containing 15 to 17 words work well and curb the opacity creep in the write-up.
For the audience to absorb the crux of your write-up, communicate with consistency and subtlety. If you are keen to use a new word from the dictionary, do so; just avoid overdoing it. A succinct and concrete writing style brings forth a transparency of sorts.
Verbal Mode
A misconception: Many believe that the verbal mode is far better than the written mode of communication. However, this is not the case.
Your tone, intonation, expressions, choice of words, and punctuating the sentence to control its fluidity are components that well govern the verbal mode of communication.
Effective communication is possible, when you are bone hard with the subject at hand. If you are not aware about the nuances of the subject, better not put the audience through the agony of getting garbled with the concept.
Know the facts; there are times, when a member from the audience poses a dicey question. It would do a good turn to your reputation, if you are well acquainted with the relativity of the subject. However, if you are unable to answer the question, be subtle, and decline the opportunity politely.
The power of listening comes into play, when one ought to touch base with effective communication. Being attentive and listening to what is being said, facilitates comprehension.
Be it a conversation or a presentation, heed it for clarity of meaning. Catnapping, more often than not, is blatantly visible, and comes across as a rude shock to the speaker with two-fold embarrassment for the listener.

Importance of Communication Skills

For Healthcare providers

Good communication skills are a prerequisite for healthcare providers.
Ineffective communication, rather than incompetence, precludes the doctor from conveying to the patient that the former has the best interests of the patient in mind. For instance, a doctor may be knowledgeable & considerable expertise in his area of work.  However, a patient feel neglected or ignored if the doctor is not particularly good at communicating.
The disillusioned patient may also consider getting a second opinion. A simple miscommunication, especially, when one is ill, can make one feel awful. A good health care provider, who is able to put patients at ease with a few comforting gestures and words, will definitely be an asset to any hospital.

For Teachers

A teacher, who is able to communicate well with students, can inspire them to learn and participate in class.
Workplace communication can improve by participating in a facilitated workshop. A workshop facilitator needs to be able to communicate. Without effective communication, the goal of workshop facilitation cannot be realized.
The facilitator needs to be able to identity dormant participants, and encourage them to come forth with their views without seeming overly patronizing. All this is impossible unless the facilitator has astounding communication abilities coupled with a natural empathy towards fellow beings.

For Salesperson

Good communication skills are an invaluable asset to a salesperson since he/she is entrusted with the task of convincing the prospective buyer about the wisdom of investing in a product.
This is done by assessing the needs of the buyer and suggesting a product that would meet the buyer's requirements.
The product may offer a vast array of easy-to-use features that would definitely help in improving the quality of life of the user. Who better to convince the buyer about the multitude of features that the product has on offer, than a salesperson with a flair for words!

Power of Written communication

While the importance of verbal communication cannot be underestimated, one cannot do away or ignore written communication.
A simple billboard, carrying a well-written message, manages to hold our attention at a crossing. Authors have been mesmerizing voracious readers by the power of their words.
The enthralled reader flips through the pages, reading well into the night, without giving much thought to the mode of communication. The aforementioned examples would have clearly illustrated the importance of communication skills.

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Communication does not refer only to articulating words. Using sign language and the sense of touch to express and feel are also important modes of communication. Ultimately, communication should be effective. As long as there is clarity in communication, the goal of communication will be accomplished.