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Tips to Effectively Tackle an Impromptu Speech

Rahul Pandita
Public speaking is ranked second most feared thing in America after snake-bite. A majority of us are hesitant to address a gathering. This can be more alarming if you are not prepared. In such cases, it is important to give it your best and impress all with your oratory skills.
Delivering an impromptu speech is considered one of the toughest things to do, but if you have mastered a few skills, you can very well use the occasion to put your oratory skills on display.
Normally, people shy away from speaking in public and become tongue-tied in front of an audience. But, with a bit of preparation and practice, you can ensure that you make the most of the opportunity and impress one and all with your speech. The mentioned tips can be helpful for everyone who dreads the thought of speaking in public.

A Few Tips

✦ While it is natural to be nervous when asked to deliver an impromptu speech, you should try to calm yourself by taking deep-breaths. A lot of speakers shiver while making a speech - communicating to the audience that one has been made to go through an ordeal.
Therefore, it is important that you calm some nerves before you present yourself to the audience. The key here is to mentally prepare yourself and visualize how you are going to deliver the speech.
✦ When on stage, make sure that you appear confident and relaxed. It is not only the words that create an impression on the audience, but your body language also reveals a great deal about your state of mind. Try to appear as if you know the subject well enough and are a credible person to speak on it.
✦ The opening is important in any speech. It sets the tone for the rest of your speech. If a speaker starts his speech by telling his audience, "Don't look so serious, it makes me nervous". Starting a speech in such a manner gets you the support of the audience and helps in creating a positive ambiance.
✦ While a few examples to illustrate your point will do no harm, avoid going overboard with them. If you are not sure about the credibility of a topic, do not include it in your speech. You don't want to create an unnecessary controversy by quoting unverified figures and statistics.
✦ If someone asks you a question, take a few steps in his direction. This is a time-tested approach and helps you appear as a confident, positive orator.

✦ While concluding your speech, summarize the topic and your stand on it. Wait for the ovation to stop and then only walk off the stage. This tells the audience that you really admire their appreciation.
If ever given an opportunity to speak on a topic, do not shy away or feel that you can't do it. Think of the advantages it has to offer to you. If you are good at it, you would be recognized in your circle, and your friends and colleagues would look up to you.
But if you come up with a reason and decline the request, you may well be sitting in a corner watching someone else capitalize on an opportunity that you just missed. Remember, 'the only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about', so why not take a shot at it.