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Interpersonal Conflict

Charlie S
Interpersonal conflict is very common at different places these days. However, before we know how to resolve it, we should first understand what it is in detail.
Interpersonal conflict is actually the difference of opinion between two or more individuals. These differences of opinion arise basically because every person has his own way of thinking and it is distinct than the others.
Man is a thinking animal and uses his own intelligence to solve problems and not depend on someone else for proper solutions. When the thoughts regarding how to approach to a particular problem do not match, it gives rise to conflict between people.

What are Interpersonal Conflicts

It can either be in the workplace or at home. At workplace, teamwork is vital to achieve team targets by working closely with our associates. When we share our views with colleagues, sometimes, they may not feel it to be right and they may strongly object to them.
This opposition is often difficult for many people to handle and this gives rise to frustration and feeling of insecurity within the organization. People tend to believe that the constant conflicts are causing them to lose their position of importance in the organization.
Constant conflicts can affect the quality of work in a negative way. It may happen that people may not deliver their best performance because of a fallout with a co-worker. This causes the teams to break and office persons to get divided into camps and groups. Overall productivity of the office can be affected because of constant conflicts between people.
However, sometimes, up to a certain limit, they are also beneficial to the organization. If people are not allowed to oppose to a wrong idea, then its implementation can be harmful to the interests of the organization in the long term. Every member of the team should have the freedom to voice his opinion and take part in constructive conflicts.
People focused conflicts and issue focused conflicts are the two main types of conflicts in the organizations. The people focused conflicts, as the name suggests, are the personal conflicts between individuals working in the same company.
There might be many reasons for why such conflicts exist between people. These personal issues can be resolved by finding a way through discussions. The next type of interpersonal conflicts are the issue focused ones in which the conflicts is due to the different views on some situations.
Lack of communication between members of a team can also lead to conflicts. Many times, things are misinterpreted and this leads to unnecessary fights and conflicts between people.

Dealing With Such Conflicts

Conflict management strategies are very essential to deal with interpersonal conflicts in a successful way. A modern-day manager should possess conflict resolution skills to maintain unity in his workforce.
The human resource managers need to arrange for meetings and discussion sessions in which problems between people can be sorted out. The employees indulging in conflicts need to be made aware that the organizational interests are larger than personal or each interest.
If the conflicts do not end, then the conflicting members can be asked to work in separate team till they get along with each other well. This requires planned efforts in the part of the top management of the company. Encouraging constant and effective communication is the best way of conflict resolution in the workplace.
Hopefully, you have now fully understood the reasons of interpersonal conflict and ways to resolve them. So, use this information productively and make your workplace a conflict-free one. Good luck for the same!