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Introduction Speeches About Yourself

Rahul Thadani
Addressing an audience for the first time needs to be done in a correct and proper manner. Here are some simple things that you must know when making introduction speeches about yourself.
There are plenty of situations where you may be required to come up with some introduction speeches. What you say here will greatly determine what the audience will think about you in the future, so you must choose your words carefully.
Surely, you don't want to come across as an extremist or a narcissist, so you need to use a little tact and diplomacy while constructing your speech. Appearing and speaking with confidence is obviously the prerequisite of any introductory speech, and failure to do so may render the entire exercise useless.


In an attempt to impress and captivate the audience, some people exaggerate their attributes and accomplishments. This sounds nice when it is spoken out aloud, but if someone discovers the truth at some point in the future, it can lead to a lot of embarrassment and disrepute.
The best speeches are those which are completely honest and precise. Exaggeration is tempting, but it is something you must avoid doing at all costs. This is one of the first and foremost rules you will learn when you study the art of public speaking.


The first part of your speech will consist of telling the audience who you are. Lay down some basic facts like where you're from, what your background is like. Elucidate a little bit on your childhood and upbringing, and what influence these things have had on you.
This is a tricky arena though, as overdoing this can make it seem like you're bragging, and can easily bore listeners. The amount of information that you divulge depends on the composition of the audience present, and also on the amount of time you have. Never ever ramble on endlessly while making introduction speeches.

Introduction Speech Ideas

The body of the speech needs to cover some basic facets about your personality. Do not be afraid to reveal some things that are a little private in nature, but be careful not to overdo it. Cover the following points in an order of your choice, but remember not to delve too much into details of each of these elements though:
  • Some event that has shaped your personality or has played a significant part in making you the person that you are today. 
  • Your basic goals and ambitions in life, and how you plan to achieve them. 
  • Who your role model is and why.
  • What you like doing in your spare time, and what interests you the most.
  • Your major accomplishments and milestones in life.
  • What you feel makes you unique and makes you stand out from others.
  • The work that you've done, relevant to the situation of the speech.

Short and Sweet

The best introduction speech examples that you will come across are those that are concise and to the point, whilst simultaneously covering a wide range of interesting topics to talk about. The audience is not interested in listening to a full-fledged autobiography of your life's story, so you need to prepare your speech accordingly.
It is easy to get carried away in such instances and ramble on about yourself, but that doesn't look too good in the eyes of the audience. Show some degree of self-control when you speak about yourself in order to avoid looking extremely self-centered. Overstaying you are welcome while making these speeches is something you need to be very careful to avoid.