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Online Dating Tips and Tricks

Avanika Mote

Anyone who's interested in dating online has to have a few knowledgeable tips in mind and some tricks in place in order to have things working out in his/her favor. Learn more about how to stay in the game without losing your mind or chances by reading ahead.
Every year millions of marriages happen as a result of online dating through social networking and dating websites. This form has emerged as a new industry in itself and has become a hot trend among the global youth today. It allows you to date anyone across the globe.
But to get noticed by singles of the opposite sex in this market that runs in the World Wide Web, you might need some helpful tips. First and foremost, you should choose a type of online dating service that is suitable for you. You can also try using common social media sites for this purpose as there are zillions of single people out there.

4 Basic Online Dating Tips and Tricks for Women and Men

Build an Appealing Profile

The first and the most important tip is building your profile in a way that would attract many people. You must build a profile that would look appealing to most of the people who visit it. Make your profile positive, fun, and lively to read by going from typical to unique.
Avoid using negative statements like "I'm lonely" or "I won't believe in true love ever because I was cheated by my ex." Negative statements imply that you are not comfortable with your own self. Further, you must keep your profile updated at regular intervals. Reading same old things about a person might get boring after a certain period of time.
Adding funny and different status updates about what's on your mind or what are you doing regularly will fetch a lot of attention from the opposite sex and that goes to both the sexes! Now, let's move on to the next step that is conversation!

Be the Best Conversationalist

A good conversation is the first sign of great compatibility! Having lovely conversations is what almost all women look forward to on a date. But that does not mean you only talk about yourself!
There are many ways in which you can start a conversation with men and women. Giving a good compliment as a conversation starter does not hurt either. Another way to start a conversation is to make sure it has something to do with the other person's interests. How would you know their interests?
Well, just go through their profile and try to collect some info about their likes and dislikes. This doesn't mean that you should try to fit in his/her set of likes and dislikes and give a false image of yourself. Rather just stand by your own choice. That way, you are making your own impression which is different from the rest.
Trying to match with his/her choice is one of the biggest turn offs. You must stand out because no two persons could be identical in their likes and dislikes. Make sure you are not sounding too loud or too friendly right in the beginning. Keep your first conversation fun, interesting, yet not too friendly.
Try to sound sweet while throwing a compliment rather than sounding too desperate and interested. For example, if you want to compliment a girl's photo in her profile, instead of saying, "You look hot in that pic", say "Do you know the girl in that picture? I can't take my eyes off her!" That way, you get to compliment her and get playful as well!
Respect is one of the most important aspects of online dating for men, especially when it comes to having conversations. Most men think that if a woman approaches them to have a conversation, she wants to get laid. That is not true and it happens because men are notoriously bad at understanding women and start drawing assumptions.
For all our female readers, here's some advice - if you like a guy on these websites, please do not wait for him to start a conversation. Face the reality. If you like him, it is your responsibility to start a conversation. Send him the first email and then wait for his reply. Don't overdo the communication by directly asking for his contact number.
Conversely, if you are not interested in a man then please be polite while rejecting him. While in a conversation with the opposite sex on an online dating website, make humor your best friend.
Nothing makes a conversation fun than a great sense of humor and its appreciation. Do not try to find humor in everything that is being talked about. Just balance a casual conversation with the right amount of humor, wit, and flirting.

Be Yourself

Being yourself is the key for a long-lasting and happy relationship. No matter how much advise you get on online dating, there is no point in building an image of someone else just for dating a guy/girl.
At the end, when you get into a relationship, it will lead to a number of complications and constant fights. So, make sure you are representing solely yourself on the dating portal and not someone else. Further, have a mind of your own and don't agree with him/her on everything.
There is no bigger turn on for a woman to meet a man who can stand by his own self and is always himself, no matter how different is he from the rest of the men. And that goes for women too. Men are heavily impressed by women who take their stands and love themselves for what they are!

Update Your Profile with Recent Pictures

Here comes the reality check. Men as well as women have their first impressions through their profile pictures and other photos in the profile.
Admit it or not, any girl or a guy would start a conversation only if he/she is impressed by the photos of the other person on a social networking website or an online dating website. And there is nothing wrong in that, because photos are the only clues to know whom you are talking to!
But here's one advice - keep updating your profile with your recent photos of social happenings. That way, the other person will get to know your lifestyle which could be a great conversation starter.
Now that the tips and tricks of online dating have been revealed to you, put them to good use, get lucky, and make yourself proud!