Introduction speeches can be classified into 3 types, i.e., the ones used to introduce yourself, to introduce a guest, and to starting off an event. The importance of these speeches and how one should prepare for each of these, is given next.
"In making a speech one must study three points: first, the means of producing persuasion; second, the language; third the proper arrangement of the various parts of the speech." ― Aristotle
Introduction speeches are to grab the attention of the audience for an event or discussions that are going to follow. A good introduction creates a stable platform for the speakers and the audience to interact. Talk about the topics of discussion and the key points about a person or an event in brief, to keep your audience attentive in what you want to say.
Introducing Yourself
These speeches are used by people in various aspects of their lives such as interviews, group discussions, felicitations, joining a new company, etc.
A good speech helps in creating a first impression about yourself in the mind of your audience. A bad one may hurt your credibility. Therefore, the words and format should be well planned. Following are a few general guidelines to help you create a good speech:
• Start by stating your name and valid titles so that the audience is clear about your identity.
• Provide important details about your current situation. This can include pertinent information on both your professional and personal life.
• You can talk about your various accomplishments and the recognition and awards you have received for the same.
• Discuss your personal background, such as where and how you were brought up, or some interesting experience that can be relevant to the audience.
• Talk about the things you are passionate about; these could include issues that are occurring at a local or global level.
• Talk about your hobbies and activities that you undertake for relaxation.
• Finish with your goals and vision for the future, and give some facts about how you and your audience are ultimately similar and working towards the same things.
Introducing a Guest
Introducing a guest speaker to the audience in a conference or gathering is a task of responsibility.
The quality of your speech can make it easier or tougher for the speaker to connect with his/her audience, who, more often than not, is thinking about various unrelated things while entering the venue. Your speech should enable all the people of the audience to come together as a group and focus on the speaker and the topic he/she is going to talk about.
It should also ignite interest in the audience, help them relax, and create an atmosphere that makes it conducive for them to listen to the speaker with their full attention. Now, let's look at a few tips which will help, in case you have to prepare for such an occasion.
• These speeches should combine some information about the topic, the audience, and the speaker effectively. For this, you will have to know what the audience expects from the session, and what the speaker wants you to emphasize on.
• If the speaker has an extensive curriculum vitae, you do not need to read out all of it; instead choose only those points that are relevant to the setting.
• Identify yourself; the speaker has to know who you are as well.
• It does not matter how knowledgeable you are about the subject; make sure that your speech is only a support to the speaker, and not the main program itself.
• Try to keep it short; four minutes should be your maximum. Remember: shorter is better.
• Practice is extremely essential. Errors on details such as the name and title of the speaker, the topic title, etc., can be very embarrassing, and in a few cases, unforgivable.
• In case you have to introduce a panel of speakers, there are a few additional points to be added in your speech such as the format and structure of the presentation with regard to the panel and the perspective of each individual. You can introduce them all at once or one at a time as the program moves ahead.
Introductory Welcome Speech for an Event
A welcome speech is very important, when the event is hosting a large audience. It creates the mood for the rest of the program by relaxing the audience and getting them attentive to what the speakers have to say during an event.
It is normal to make such speeches slightly humorous unless you have come together for a serious gathering like a funeral. Depending on the occasion, this speech can either be casual or formal in format. The speech should focus on the following points:
• Acknowledging and welcoming all important guests
• A general welcome to all the guests, in which you must announce the name of the event, the name of the host, and thank all the guests for attending the event.
• An introduction of the host and the occasion.
• Introduction of the next speaker if needed.
• A good conclusion, which should make the audience eager for whatever is next on the agenda.
Tips to Deliver a Great Speech
• Read the speech; do it from the perspective of the audience too. Think about how you feel about the person mentioned, what characteristics does that person have, and whether you like the person after listening to the intro. Make changes to the speech depending on the answers.
• Discuss the introduction with the speaker to find out if any changes are to be made, for better continuity.
• Prepare the speech well in advance. This will give you a chance to review it for clarity in thought, understanding of the topic, and pronunciation of the names of the host or speaker.
• Rehearse till you are fluent, to avoid any last-minute, embarrassing errors.
• When you are on the stage, a good body language and positive attitude can work wonders. A confident stance and a genuine smile can help a lot.
• Make sure you enunciate your words correctly for maximum effect. Also, you must sound enthusiastic throughout your speech.
• It is alright to get notes for reference, but it is a bad idea to read out the entire speech. This makes the effort sound unprofessional and boring.
Introduction speeches should be prepared with the help of an expert, if possible, and well practiced keeping all the mentioned points in mind, as it is an important part of any event.