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Relationship Tips for College Students

Neha Joshi
There are many relationship tips for college students but what matters is the ones that work, isn't it? Read on, to know some amazingly helpful relationship tips that will help you avoid all those blunders and make that one relationship last forever!
College is time for some fun, a lot of studying and a time when most people have their first serious relationship. Some of them last and some of them don't.
Some make mistakes, and learn with time, while some take time, initially, give serious thought to every aspect in their life and try to make the best out of the relationship right from the start. Since you are here reading this, you seem to belong to the second group which of course is good news!
Relationships are very fragile and with a vulnerable age, they have to go through more shaping than in the later stages of life. A key to making every relationship last is happiness. As long as the couple is happy together, all is good.
The moment something hurts one out of the two, there is a possible danger of it all falling apart. Sometimes, the relationship turns out to be a lot more different from what is initially expected, and not many people can get accustomed to this change. Again, here the key lies in remaining calm and thinking of the bigger picture.
Now let's get to more healthy relationship tips which will each throw light on a totally different aspect, right from getting into the right relationship to getting out of the wrong one and of course, making the right one last. Read on.

Helpful Relationship Tips for College Students

Character Matters Most

When you choose someone to date, make sure you judge the person on character, and not on the way he/she looks or rather anything related to physical appearance. Focus more on how the person makes you feel, and not on how you feel about him/her.
Infatuations are common at this age, a bit too common actually, so make sure you're actually in love with the person you're planning to date. Look out for someone who is understanding and compassionate rather than looking out for someone who is beautiful/handsome or 'in demand' by other people. Yes, there is always that race you want to win, isn't it?

Think Ahead

Right from the time you get into a relationship, think of making it last forever. Think that there is just no way you can let all this fall apart. Don't even bother thinking about break-ups and heartbreaks.
The moment you give these things a thought, there is inception of that thought and it'll always stay there. Learn to look at the good things in the relationship and focus only on those. Yes, every relationship goes through bad times but even in these, don't thinking about separating.
Decide that, no matter what happens, breaking up is not an option. College days are times when couples take relationships very casually and end up regretting later, after losing someone special.

Be Receptive

Along with keeping at it, you also need to understand that you have to be receptive to change. At this age, we are still forming our thoughts, our opinions and our respective ways of life.
College days are in fact the start of forming of one's outlook towards everything in life. Due to this, there might be times when you might feel something is right today and the same thing is wrong tomorrow. So, be receptive to change and welcome it, if it comes for the good. If your girlfriend wants to go party every weekend, let her.
Similarly, if your boyfriend has a habit of smoking, let him. Don't let these issues come in between your relationship and wait for the right time to talk it out. This will help you get rid of all the insecurities in a relationship in no time. What is good for you might not necessarily be good for someone else and vice-versa.

Be Patient

Now patience matters in more cases than just one, right from getting into a relationship. It might happen that all your friends are dating and you aren't, but that doesn't mean you start dating just because you have to.
It's perfectly fine to not date if you haven't found the one. If you have already started dating, and find all the other couples spending more time together and having more fun, don't let it affect you as there is a time for everything.
Again, if there are certain things that you just can't understand, be patient and let time pass, eventually you will. Patience is the answer to most troubling questions and has always been. Give all problems time and they'll sort out on their own.

Element of Friendship

The element of friendship is very important when you start dating in college days as that requirement of having fun with friends is as much as spending time with your loved one.
There are lot of things that we all want to do with our friends but we can't, because of the time we need to give our respective relationships. At such times, it's important you understand this need and do all those things with your partner, let it be watching movies, adventure sports, travel or maybe just checking out the new store that has opened recently.

Not Too Slow, Not Too Fast

Another tip for a special relationship bond is to not try too hard and at times, not try at all. Let the relationship run its natural course, and let things be as they are.
Relationship tips for college students won't be complete without mentioning about how you need to understand that everything cannot be planned and that the relationship might surprise you at times. Take these surprises as they come and tackle them accordingly, instead of wasting a lot of time right now when you can invest that time in making things better.
Now that you have these relationship tips for college students, you can avoid all those mistakes that other couples make. One of the most important things you need to remember being a college student is to not neglect your studies one bit.
Maintaining equal focus on your academic and personal life is the key to a successful relationship and a successful life with no regrets. A relationship deserves time but not time that is compromised on other important aspects such as education and family. So, take it easy and all shall be well.