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Romantic Date Ideas for Married Couples

Parashar Joshi
Are you among those men or women who are on the lookout for romantic date ideas for married couples? Well, you've reached the right place. Read on to know about how you can make this occasion truly special.
Is there any law or rule which states that you should be dating each other only prior to marriage, and that things must take a completely different turn post-marriage?
No, there isn't. In fact, when the time comes to get that excitement back into your relationship, one of the best ways to go about it is to go down memory lane and revisit all those fond memories of first dates and courtship, of tender love, and of days when the world seemed blissful, in the arms of your loved one.
Reliving that golden period all over again can help a married couple reconnect and strengthen the bond of love. And the best thing about it is that you can do this in many ways!

Date Ideas for Those Who're Married


● One of the first things that you can do, is alter the plans of your next movie date. Instead of visiting the same old multiplex, why not do something different for a change? Head out to an open air drive-in theater and revisit the 60's! Carry along some snacks, cola, a warm blanket to snuggle in, and have a fun time!
● If you both share a common liking for water, then why not experience it at an altogether different level? You could consider various options such as canoeing, kayaking, boating, or even river rafting in one of those gushing rapids!
● In this case, you can have both, a date as well as a game. Mutually decide a budget say, USD 30 each, and plan an entire day for the two of you. Try to come up with interesting ideas, activities and things to do while making sure that you don't cross the spending limit. Try it, it can be really interesting!

Affordable and Cheap

● One of the most inexpensive date ideas would be to hire a good bicycle with a frontal passenger seat, pack a picnic lunch along with a bottle of wine, and pedal away into the countryside.
Sit among the birds and the bees or under the shade of a tree and relive the days when you were newlyweds; a young couple - madly in love with each other.
● If you like camping, you could pack your camping gear and head out into the woods for a weekend of romantic solitude. A tent, a barbecue grill, and just the two of you. Sounds tempting enough?
● Repeat one of your dates from your days of courtship when fancy candlelight dinners were a rarity and local burger joints were a regularity. Have a hot dog at the corner place, buy some cotton candy, visit the old man who still sells ice-cream soda and finally, top it off with a slice of warm apple pie at Uncle Joe's café.


● You can combine your date with a sort of treasure hunt. Tell your partner that you have plans for a secret date and that he or she will have to look for clues and in the process, unravel the secret. Plan everything down to the tea and leave clues for your partner in the form of hidden chits, puzzle emails, coded text messages, etc.
● Do something that is not a part of your routine life. For example, take your partner on a helicopter ride! Or if you know someone who owns a private aircraft, hire it for the evening, find someone to fly it and enjoy the company of your partner as you literally soar over cloud number nine!

Anniversary Date

● If you want your upcoming wedding anniversary to be different from all the regular ones, here's your chance. Do away with the fancy dinner party and the long list of guests.
Instead, reserve the entire day just for the two of you. You could either plan a day's outing at some peaceful locale, far away from the hustle and bustle of the city.
Alternatively, you could just forget about stepping out and simply lock yourselves up in the bedroom the whole day long! (Wink!)
● You can celebrate your anniversary in a different way - by spending time together at home, flipping through old photographs, re-reading all those love letters that you wrote each other, recalling the days of courtship, etc.
If you as a couple, back then, had any signature meeting spots or favorite hangouts, then you could visit them to bring back those pleasant memories.
● Relive your first date. Try and remember what you wore, where you met, what you did, etc. Try and replicate the same. Introduce yourselves to each other, as if you were on a first date and actually do everything that you would. It sounds silly, but it's great fun and once you actually do it.
These were a few ideas that you can take into consideration. Remember, "It doesn't take much to rekindle the spark, just an evening stroll through the nearby park!".