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What Makes Cyber-Dating So Special?

Prerna Salla
Cyber-dating, is a convenient alternative to meet people; it is a boon for shy people or for those who can't easily get out. It does not look at caste, creed, color of the skin, beauty, or appearance.
Cyber-dating is fun, exciting, adventurous, and it takes less time to find people to "chat" with. Also, it provides instant gratification. It is a wonderful arena for building your confidence, to actually date in person.
By hiding behind the anonymity of words, you can be freer to express who you really are as a person. Without the burden of having to physically interact, you can gain skills that help you get over the next hurdle: the actual face-to-face meeting.
The thousands of people chatting online give you a wide selection with whom to test your moves. And if you are unhappy with one interaction, there are thousands more to peruse.

Can you Find Love on the Web?

This is the most important question asked as to whether real love exists on the web. 
Of course, the whole point of flirting online is to eventually find a match, meet him/her, and hopefully begin what could be a very promising relationship.
However, what if you finally meet your love interest, and that person doesn't live up to your expectations? Questions such as these do crop up. Obviously, you have to deal with the risk involved. The possibility of finding true love on the Internet is certainly there, but it all depends on luck.
Don't you think true love is really a matter of luck? But on the net, you don't really have to lose anything. There are no promises, no guarantees, of course. The more exposure you get to different people, the more circles you form and the greater your likelihood of meeting someone that interests you.

An Example of Cyber-Dating

There have been many successful web matches. 'A' met 'B' on the net. At first they started with just flirting with one another. 'A' was working at London when he started chatting with 'B' at another city.
They started to know about one another; for 6 months they chatted, and slowly, both of them fell in love. 'A' then proposed to 'B' before coming to her country, without even seeing her and 'B' accepted. Very soon he came to her country and married her.
Things like these do happen, while sometimes it doesn't work. But you never know, you might find the love you were looking for and there may be a happy ending in the offing. It is always possible that the person you go to meet, with whom you have been chatting for months, might not be exactly like you expected, especially physically.
He/she might be overweight, or short, but the question is whether physical appearance is most important to you or the fact that he/she understands you better, matters more. And even if you think that it won't work, you can always be good chat buddies.
A unique feature of cyber-dating is that you have total control. After all, you do not have to respond to anyone. You are the ultimate judge of what, where, and with whom you connect.